11 novembre 2009

bummer and buzz

Did you know there's a new version of the game Operation?
Yup! there's a new version with new ailments and new rules. Gabe went out to buy Operation and didn't know there was a new version let alone know he had bought the new one.
According to what I see on Wikipedia and the Hasbro web site there was a new version made in 2004. I don't think that's the latest version though because that one has money and cards too.
In this edition there are no cards. Youngest goes first (yes!!) and for every turn all you do is push the big buzzing red button nose. There's no money anymore either! The player with the most amount of ailments removed wins.
Just tweeze out the affliction and move on....kind of sucked.

After the disappointment of that game I decided to roll myself a fatty joint and have a solo sesh on the roof. Gabe's house is on a big hill and the view from the roof is great.
While I was up there looking at the night sky I remembered that the Leonid meteor shower is only 7 days away.
I think we will drive out to Mt. Wilson or somewhere to get a really good look.
Last year the moon was way too bright and I only got to see the very brightest of Temple-Tuttle's debris.
This year will be spectacular!
Turn the sound off and enjoy this video courtesy of Space.com

Being so faded called for a good comedy. Gabe rented Year One
I don't know if it was the sweet bubba kush or what but I was in stitches the entire time.

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